Friday, July 3, 2009

Picture Overload.

Happy fourth of July everybody! I am sad I am missing it. Unfortunately I have to be in Ireland. Poor me.
Graves at The Rock of Cashel.
Inside the rock of Cashel. It was very cool.
My new store.
The Rock of Cashel.
Kissing the Blarney stone. Good luck for me! (I hope the rumors aren't true that people pee on this thing)
Blarney Castle. Amazing.
Ross Castle. Boring.

A waterfall we hiked to.

We have gone to a ton of sites in the last couple of days you would never even imagine possible. Here is a typical day. Wake up, eat hostel breakfast, get on bus, drive/sleep, stop at sites, walk a thousand miles (our leaders tell us to walk to places that are "close" which aren't at all), eat, bus/sleep, go to hostel, carry our heavy suitcases up hostel stairs, sleep. We have now left the country and are in an actual city (dublin) which is nice for a change. But I am ready to stay in one spot and not be packing and unpacking all the time.


  1. These pictures are awesome, looks like you are having a wonderful time!!

  2. oh i really like your slicked hair by the way. good thing you dont live there permanently, although the fro would love it.

  3. i love the picture overload!
